I am trying to Vlan a Vigor2820n firmware
I have it setup so port 1 & 2 are on Vlan0 with ports 3 & 4 on Vlan1 This worked and it asked to reboot showing Vlan0 address as (which is correct) and Vlan1 as DHCP was disabled as the original 10.0.1 range as it is controlled by a server.
My problem is Vlan1 is still getting it's IP addresses from Vlan0 but DNS is not working. I need Vlan1 to be able to get it's own DHCP & DNS either through the router or by a new server. I am unable to get in to set anything on Vlan1 in the routers LAN settings. I can either pick 1st Subnet, DHCP enabled or DHCP disabled but the 2nd Subnet radio button is disabled.
If you need any more info just let me know what you need.