
VI. Feature Setup


How to setup and use Bonjour on DrayTek Routers

Vigor 2135ax
Vigor 2620Ln
Vigor 2760
Vigor 2762
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Mac OS
USB Printing

Bonjour is Apple's implementation of discovering printers and other devices in Local Area Networks. Bonjour uses the standard IP protocol to automatically discover devices without knowing their IP addresses or using a DNS server. Bonjour protocol has been implemented on Vigor routers to advertise the availability of a Printer or Storage Device (USB)  connected to the router using the Bonjour protocol. 

Bonjour is supported on the Vigor 2925 and 2860 models.

This article explains the steps needed to setup and use Bonjour. The configuration is in 5 parts

1. Enable Bonjour on the router

2. See the Router via Bonjour

3. Using the router as the Bonjour Printer

4. Using the Router as the Bonjour FTP Server

5. Advanced Features 


1. Enable Bonjour

1. Enable Bonjour on the Router

In the Web UI, please go to [Application] > [Bonjour].

1.1       Enable Bonjour service.

1.2       Tick the services that you want to see via Bonjour.


 1.3       Change the router name:

When the router publicising its services, the router also sends out its own “name”, and the default name is VigorRouter. To change this name, go to [System Maintenance] > [Management], and enter the name in “Router Name”.



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