
VI. Feature Setup


Customising the Login screen on DrayTek routers

Vigor 2135ax
Vigor 2620Ln
Vigor 2760
Vigor 2762
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Many DrayTek routers are able to customise the Login screen used for management, SSL VPN and User Management to display custom text.

This allows setting a Login Page Title which could be the name of the router, followed by a Welcome Message which is displayed below the router's Login box. This allows HTML markup to customise the display of the text.

This facility was added from firmware version on most DrayTek routers such as the Vigor 2820 (, Vigor 2710 and Vigor 2830.

The DrayTek Vigor 2860 and Vigor 2925 routers from firmware version 3.7.8 onwards can customise the login text and additionally display a custom image, which could be used to display a company logo for instance.

We always recommend using an encrypted SSL/TLS connection for router admin - prefix the web address with https:// (see here for more).

Custom Text

To set custom text on a DrayTek router that supports it, go to [System Maintenance] > [Login Page Greeting], on that page, tick the Enable tickbox.

The Login Page Title will show in the Login box that the router displays. It has a maximum length of 31 characters.

The Welcome Message and Bulletin shows below the login box, this allows HTML markup to customise the display of the text and allows up to 511 characters in total.

Click OK on that page to save the setting.

Click Preview to display a pop-up window which will show the router's Login page to demonstrate the changes.

When logging in to the router, it will then show the Login Page Title and Welcome Message as shown:

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