
VI. Feature Setup


How to Schedule Content Filtering

Vigor 2820
Content Filter
Vigor 2800

Vigor routers with Content Filtering facilities can have a schedule attached to some of the facilities, for example so that a rule blocking access to email services is not active at 'lunchtime' so that staff are permitted to check their personal email. There are three stages to this:

  1. Make sure the Time is set correctly on the router:
    Time Setup
  2. Set the time period you want the filter to apply to in a time rule:
    Schedule Lunchtime
    Note that the 'action' field has no relevance to this type of application.
  3. Apply your schedule to the filtering function:
    Schedule URL Filter
    The filtering will apply only during the time set in Schedule No.1. In this example, therefore, you will be able to visit hotmail at 1pm, not not at 10am.

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