I have a new 2830 that i am trying to setup the VLAN's and required subnets.
The main question i have is the ablity to port forward to any of the subnets? I have the VLAN and the subnets up and running (do not use the vlan tag) i have setup 4 vlans and 4 subnets all working ok. The problem i have is when trying to port forward to anything other than the first subnet. can somone confirm this for me? I have servers in both first and seccond subnets that need ports forwarding.
For now i have had to revert back to 2 vlans and use a seccond router for my seccond subnet. this allows me to DMZ host to the seccond router and gives me the portforwarding to the subnet controlled by this seccond router.
Ideally i would like to know how to do this so i can run all subnets from the 2830 and forward ports from my different public IP's to the relevant servers on the seperate subnets.