Hi Guys. I have done a search and found that some have success and some have trouble running smart monitor. So obviously I am one of those who are having troubles. After reading through posts I realise that Win7 is not supported, so I got an old computer with XP Pro and installed SM v231. Everything seemed to install ok. I can launch into the localhost apache site and I get prompted to "confirm" with respects to the AUP.
Then all I get is "Detecting Vigor Router...." followed by "Cannot monitor for no Vigor detected" lastly "Please confirm the firewall has been closed".
Just to confirm the wiring setup. From my XP box the network cable is plugged into the monitor port on the 2955 router. I also did a telnet login to confirm that the mngt port is set to mirror and that the status is "on". See below from the telnet connection to router.
Type ? for command help
> mngt lanmonitor on
> mngt lanmonitor status
Mirror port is enabled
So what is it that I am missing?
Thanks in adv.
PS - on the local XP box, I set the firewall to "unblock" which is prompted post installation of the smartmonitor process.