We have a Vigor 2860ac.
I am not sure whether there is a bug in Data Flow Monitor or Bandwidth Management, or my lack of understanding. It shows itself as follows:
Bandwidth Management >> Bandwidth Limit (set to DISABLE)
Default TX Limit Per User: 200 Default RX Limit Per User: 800 (defaults)
p.s. I remember to click on OK after changing settings.
Bandwidth Limit (set to DISABLE)
If I change RX to 900 then go to Data Flow Monitor, it is blank and needs enabling. So I enable it and can see speeds as expected.
If I return now to Bandwidth Limit (set to DISABLE) it has reset to the default of 800.
If I don't enable Data flow monitor then it stays at 900.
Bandwidth Limit (set to ENABLE)
If I now enable Bandwidth limit.
If I change RX to 900 then go to Data Flow Monitor, it is NOT blank and can see speeds as expected.
If I return now to Bandwidth Limit (set to ENABLE) it is the expected 900 for Rx.
I wasn't expecting Bandwidth Limit to always reset to the default of 800 if it was disabled.
Would someone mind explaining where I have gone wrong in my thinking/settings, or whether there's a bug?