I have a VPN connection working fine between my 2820 at home and the Cyberoam at work. From home I can access the LAN at work, but I cannot access the Cyberoam DMZ. I have done packet capture on the cyberoam and am reasonably sure that no packets arrive on the Cyberoam. This must therefore be a routing issue on the 2820.
My VPN lan to lan connection has the work LAN 10.1.2.x configured as the Remote Network IP. This all works fine. I also want to get to the work DMZ on 10.239.21.x, so I clicked the 'more' button and added that network in the dialog box that appears. When I check the routing table it has an entries which look right:
S~ via VPN (to work LAN - works fine)
S~ via VPN (to work DMZ - not working)
where represents the work WAN addresses (which I have corrupted). Access to 10.1.2.x works fine, but not to 10.239.21.x. I did think it may be a routing problem on the Cyberoam but the packet capture lists only pings from my PC when aimed at 10.1.2.x and not 10.239.21.x.
I can't think what else I need to tell the 2820 or prove what is actually happening.
Any help would be much appreciated?
Thanks very much, Mark.